Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1990-OTA-0007 Critical connections communication for the future : summary. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0008 Critical connections communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0009 Retrospective and an analysis of roles of mandated testing in education reform 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0010 Critical connections. communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0011 Making things better competing in manufacturing : summary. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0012 Critical connections. communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0013 Applications in Educational Assessment Future Technologies / 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0014 Critical connections. communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0015 Critical connections. communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0016 The Costs and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening in elderly women 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0017 Preventive health services for medicare beneficiaries policy and research issues / 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0018 Critical connections. communication for the future. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0019 Making things better competing in manufacturing. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0020 Rebuilding the foundations a special report on state and local public works financing and management. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0021 Computer software & intellectual property 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0022 Coping with an oiled sea an analysis of oil spill response technologies. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0023 Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for the 1990s a special report of OTA's assessment on emerging agricultural technology : issues for the 1990s. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0025 How has federal research on AIDS/HIV disease contributed to other fields? 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0026 Access to space the future of U.S. space transportation systems. 1
CMP-1990-OTA-0027 High-temperature superconductivity in perspective 1