Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1992-OTA-0048 New technological era for American agriculture Vol. II: OTA commissioned background papers. Part F : economic and policy analysis. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0049 New technological era for American agriculture Vol. II : OTA commissioned background papers. Part B : emerging plant technology. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0050 New technological era for American agriculture Vol. II : OTA commissioned background papers. Part A : emerging animal technology. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0051 New technological era for American agriculture Vol. II : OTA commissioned background papers. Part B : emerging plant technology. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0052 Cystic fibrosis and DNA tests implications of carrier screening : summary. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0053 Police body armor standards and testing 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0054 Cystic fibrosis and DNA tests implications of carrier screening. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0055 A New technological era for American agriculture 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0056 A New technological era for American agriculture summary. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0057 Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid proposal 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0058 Special care units for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias consumer education, research, regulatory, and reimbursement issues. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0059 Special care units for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias consumer education, research, regulatory, and reimbursement issues : summary. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0060 The CDC's case definition of AIDS implications of the proposed revisions. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0061 Do Medicaid and Medicare Patients Sue Physicians More Often Than Other Patients? Background Paper. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0062 Monitoring limits on sea-launched cruise missiles 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0063 Police body armor standards and testing 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0064 Green products by design choices for a cleaner environment : summary. 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0065 The Biology of mental disorders 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0066 Does health insurance make a difference? 1
CMP-1992-OTA-0067 Genetic counseling and cystic fibrosis carrier screening results of a survey. 1