Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1998-HTI-0002 Compilation of water resources, disaster relief, and related laws 1
CMP-1998-HTI-0003 Compilation of water resources, disaster relief, and related laws 1
CMP-1998-HTI-0004 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, as amended by the TEA 21 Restoration Act, together with updated explanatory materials 1
CMP-1998-ISH-0002 Record of proceedings on H.R. 3829, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, May 20, 1998 and June 10, 1998, 105th Congress, second session 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0001 Tax amnesty 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0002 Estimated Revenue Effects of a Chairman's Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1432, the "African Growth and Opportunity Act." 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0003 Estimated Budget Effects of the Revenue Provisions Contained in the President's FY99 Budget Proposal 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0004 Description of revenue provisions contained in the President's fiscal year 1999 budget proposal 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0005 Comparison of the Estimated Budget Effects of Transportation Revenue and Related Provisions of H.R. 2400 As Passed by the House and the Senate. / 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0006 Comparison of Transportation Revenue and Related Provisions of H.R. 2400 As Passed by the House and the Senate. / 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0007 Estimated Budget Effects of S. 1133, the "Parent and Student Savings Account PLUS Act," As Passed by the Senate on Apr. 23, 1998 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0008 Estimated Revenue Effects of H.R. 2676, the "Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998," As Passed by the Senate on May 7, 1998 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0009 Comparison of the Estimated Budget Effects of the Revenue Provisions of H.R. 2646, As Passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0010 Comparison of Revenue Provisions of H.R. 2646, Relating to Certain Education Savings Tax Incentives As Passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0011 Comparison of Tax Technical Corrections Contained in H.R. 2676 As Passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0012 Comparison of provisions of H.R. 2676 relating to IRS restructuring and reform as passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0013 Estimated Budget Effects of the Conference Agreement Relating to the Transportation Revenue and Trust Fund Provisions of H.R. 2400 (Title IX) 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0014 Comparison of the Estimated Budget Effects of H.R. 2676, the "Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998," As Passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0015 Description and Analysis of Revenue-Related Provisions of S. 1415 Relating to National Tobacco Policy As Modified by the Manager's Amendment 1
CMP-1998-JTX-0016 Disclosure Report for Public Inspection Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 6103(!p)(3)(C) for Calendar Year 1997 1