Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2005-GAO-0396 Drug offenders various factors may limit the impacts of federal laws that provide for denials of selected benefits : report to congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0397 Military personnel DOD needs action plan to address enlisted personnel recruitment and retention challenges : report to Congressional committees / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0398 Education's data management initiative significant progress made, but better planning needed to accomplish project goals : report to congressional committees. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0399 Elderly housing federal housing programs that offer assistance for the elderly. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0400 Elections additional data could help state and local elections officials maintain accurate voter registration lists : report to congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0401 Elections federal efforts to improve security and reliability of electronic voting systems are under way, but key activities need to be completed : report to congressional requesters. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0402 Electricity restructuring key challenges remain : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Resources, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0403 Electronic disability claims proccessing SSA is proceeding with its accelerated systems initiative but needs to address operational issues : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0404 Economic development administration remediation activities account for a small percentage of total brownfield grant funding : report to Congressional Committees / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0405 Military pay gaps in pay and benefits create financial hardships for injured Army National Guard and Reserve soldiers : report to congressional requesters. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0406 Community policing grants COPS grants were a modest contributor to declines in crime in 1990s : report to the chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0407 Drug control high intensity drug trafficking areas' efforts to link investigations to international drug traffickers : report to the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0408 Commercial aviation initial small community air service development projects have achieved mixed results : report to Congressional Addressees / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0409 Commercial Aviation Bankruptcy and Pension Problems Are Symptoms of Underlying Structural Issues. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0410 DOD systems modernization uncertain joint use and marginal expected value of military asset deployment system warrant reassessment of planned investment : report to the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0411 DOD Systems Modernization Planned Investment in the Naval Tactical Command Support System Needs To Be Reassessed. 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0412 Military personnel DOD's tools for curbing the use and effects of predatory lending not fully utilized : report to the Honorable Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senate / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0413 DOD systems modernization management of integrated military human capital program needs additional improvements : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0414 Military personnel financial costs and loss of critical skills due to DOD's homosexual conduct policy cannot be completely estimated : report to Congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2005-GAO-0415 Clean Water Act improved resource planning would help EPA better respond to changing needs and fiscal constraints : report to congressional requesters / 1