Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2007-DPC-0009 Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0010 America Needs Tough, Fair, and Practical Immigration Reform 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0011 Senate Democrats' New Direction Fulfilling Our Commitment to Veterans. 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0012 Impact of High Fuel Prices on the American Economy and Businesses 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0013 Democrats Pass Budget That Restores Fiscal Discipline, Invests in Middle-Class Priorities 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0014 Monthly National Security Index 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0015 Under Democratic Leadership, the 110th Congress Is Taking America in a New Direction 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0016 S.A. 1150, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, to S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0017 S.J. Res. 14, Expressing the Sense of the Senate That Attorney General Alberto Gonzales No Longer Holds the Confidence of Senate and the American People 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0018 Senate Democrats Move Forward on a New Energy Policy 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0019 H.R. 6, the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0020 Senate Democrats Are Protecting America Against Terrorism, Working To Reverse Bush Administration's Flawed Strategy 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0021 Senate Democrats Stand Behind Our Promises to Our Troops and Veterans 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0022 Democrats Are Working To Stop the Increase in Violent Crime by Restoring Funding to State and Local Enforcement Programs 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0023 Under Democratic Leadership, the 110th Congress Is Taking America in a New Direction 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0024 H.R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act of 2007 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0025 President Bush Blocks Legislation To Advance Stem Cell Research ... Again 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0026 Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress Leading America in a New Direction. 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0027 Millions of Children Are Counting on CHIP Reauthorization To Get the Care and Coverage They Need 1
CMP-2007-DPC-0028 Senate Passes Landmark Energy Legislation 1