Motor Carrier Safety Federal Safety Agency Identifies Many High-Risk Carriers but Does Not Assess Maximum Fines as Often as Required by Law. |
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Property Management lack of accountability and weak internal controls leave NASA equipment vulnerable to loss, theft, and misuse : report to the Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives. |
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NASA Progress Made on Strategic Human Capital Management, but Future Program Challenges Remain. |
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National Animal Identification System USDA Needs To Resolve Several Key Implementation Issues To Achieve Rapid and Effective Disease Traceback. |
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Retirement decisions federal policies offer mixed signals about when to retire : report to congressional committees / |
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National Flood Insurance Program FEMA's management and oversight of payments for insurance company services should be improved : report to congressional committees / |
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Reexamining Regulations Opportunities Exist To Improve Effectiveness and Transparency of Retrospective Reviews. |
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Retirement Security Women Face Challenges in Ensuring Financial Security in Retirement. |
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Nuclear energy NRC's workforce and processes for new reactor licensing are generally in place, but uncertainties remain as industry begins to submit applications : report to Congressional Committees / |
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Nursing Homes Federal Actions Needed To Improve Targeting and Evaluation of Assistance by Quality Improvement Organizations. |
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Office of Personnel Management Opportunities Exist To Build on Recent Progress in Internal Human Capital Capacity. |
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Organizational Transformation Implementing Chief Operating Officer/Chief Management Officer Positions in Federal Agencies. |
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Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites Restructuring Is Under Way, but Technical Challenges and Risks Remain. |
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Premium Class Travel Internal Control Weaknesses Governmentwide Led to Improper and Abusive Use of Premium Class Travel. |
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Rental housing information on low-income veterans' housing conditions and participation in HUD's programs : report to congressional committees / |
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Railroad bridges and tunnels federal role in providing safety oversight and freight infrastructure investment could be better targeted : report to congressional requesters / |
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Science and Technology Information on Federal Programs and Interagency Efforts That Support Small Businesses Engaged in Manufacturing. |
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Defense infrastructure management actions needed to ensure effectiveness of DOD's risk management approach for the defense industrial base : report to congressional requesters / |
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Defense contracting use of undefinitized contract actions understated and definitization time frames often not met : report to Congressional committees / |
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Defense health care under TRICARE, children's hospitals paid more than other hospitals after accounting for patient complexity : report to Congressional committees / |
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