Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2007-GAO-0429 Crude oil California crude oil price fluctuations are consistent with broader market trends : report to congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0430 Crude Oil Uncertainty About Future Oil Supply Makes It Important To Develop a Strategy for Addressing a Peak and Decline in Oil Production. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0431 Veterans affairs inadequate controls over IT equipment at selected VA locations pose continuing risk of theft, loss, and misappropriation : report to Congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0432 Defense Acquisitions Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0433 International Trade Persistent Weaknesses in the In-Bond Cargo System Impede Customs and Border Protection's Ability To Address Revenue, Trade, and Security Concerns. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0434 Securities and Exchange Commission additional actions needed to ensure planned improvements address limitations in Enforcement Division operations : report to the ranking member, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0435 Interstate compacts an overview of the structure and governance of environment and natural resource compacts : report to congressional requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0436 Risk-based capital bank regulators need to improve transparency and overcome impediments to finalizing the proposed Basel II framework : report to congressional committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0437 Retiree Health Benefits Majority of Sponsors Continued To Offer Prescription Drug Coverage and Chose the Retiree Drug Subsidy. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0438 Reserve Forces Actions Needed To Identify National Guard Domestic Equipment Requirements and Readiness. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0439 Rebuilding Iraq integrated strategic plan needed to help restore Iraq's oil and electricity sectors : report to Congressional Committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0440 Veterans' employment and training service labor could improve information on reemployment services, outcomes, and program impact : report to Congressional Committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0441 Public transportation future demand is likely for New Starts and Small Starts programs, but improvements needed to the Small Starts application process : report to congressional committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0442 Poverty in America economic research shows adverse impacts on health status and other social conditions as well as the economic growth rate : report to Congressional Requesters / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0443 Pediatric drug research studies conducted under Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act : report to congressional committees / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0444 Nursing homes efforts to strengthen federal enforcement have not deterred some homes from repeatedly harming residents : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0445 Maritime transportation major oil spills occur infrequently, but risks to the federal Oil Spill Fund remain : report to Congressional Committees. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0446 Medicare focus on physician practice patterns can lead to greater program efficiency : report to Congressional committees. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0447 Military Base Closures Opportunities Exist To Improve Environmental Cleanup Cost Reporting and To Expedite Transfer of Unneeded Property. 1
CMP-2007-GAO-0448 Military base closures projected savings from fleet readiness centers likely overstated and actions needed to track actual savings and overcome certain challenges : report to Congressional committees / 1