Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2008-DPC-0036 Democrats Are Committed to Helping Working Families Squeezed by Rising Health Care Costs 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0037 Cost of Inaction The Impact of Climate Change on the Oceans and Drinking Water. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0038 Congress Passes Stimulus Package To Help the Economy and America's Families 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0039 Democrats Are Committed to Extending Renewable Energy Tax Credits as Energy Prices Continue To Rise 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0040 Democratic Budget Will Strengthen Our Security 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0041 Democratic Budget Strengthening the Economy and the American Middle Class. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0042 Middle-Class Life Under Bush Less Affordable and Less Secure. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0043 Bush Administration's Reconstruction Plan Has Failed the Iraqi People and Failed To Hold the Iraqi Government Accountable 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0044 S. 2636, the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0045 S. 2739, the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0046 H.R. 3221, As Amended, the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 (SA 4387) 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0047 Cost of Inaction The Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Transportation and Infrastructure. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0048 Democrats Are Committed to Relieving Tax Burden on the Middle Class 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0049 H.R. 1195, the SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0050 Myth vs. Reality Bush Republican Tax Breaks. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0051 S. 1315, the Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0052 Environmental Accomplishments of Senate Democrats in the 110th Congress 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0053 AAPI Small Businesses Diversity, Economic Growth, and the Job Creation in America. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0054 Senate Democrats Are Committed to America's Small Businesses 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0055 H.R. 493, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act 1