Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2008-DPC-0056 H.R. 2831, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0057 Native American Small Businesses Diversity, Economic Growth, and Job Creation in America. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0058 Major Findings DCP Oversight Hearings on Iraq Contracting Abuses. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0059 African-American Small Businesses Diversity, Economic Growth and Job Creation in America. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0060 Hispanic Small Businesses Diversity, Economic Growth, and Job Creation in America. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0061 Over a Hundred Million Americans Families To Receive Democratic Stimulus Check 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0062 S. 1300, the Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0063 Middle-Class Life Under Bush Less Affordable and Less Secure. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0064 Mission Accomplished Five Years On. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0065 Middle-Class Life Under Bush Less Affordable and Less Secure. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0066 S. 2991, the Consumer-First Energy Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0067 S. 2284, the Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0068 National Security Index 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0069 Democrats Are Committed to Making the American Dream Affordable Again 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0070 Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress A New Direction for America (Highlights) 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0071 Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress A New Direction for America. 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0072 H.R. 2642, the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0073 H.R. 6081, the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0074 Senate Democrats Are Committed to also Addressing Emergency Needs Here at Home 1
CMP-2008-DPC-0075 Cost of Inaction The Impacts of Climate Change on Global Health. 1