Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2009-GAO-0433 International Food Assistance USAID Is Taking Actions To Improve Monitoring and Evaluation of Nonemergency Food Aid, but Weaknesses in Planning Could Impede Efforts. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0434 Homeland Security Actions Needed To Improve Security Practices at National Icons and Parks. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0435 HIV/AIDS Federal and State Efforts To Identify Infected Individuals and Connect Them To Care. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0436 International Trade U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but Serious Impediments Remain to Restricting Trade in Burmese Rubies and Jadeite. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0437 State Department Wide Range of Emergency Services Provided to American Citizens Overseas, but Improved Monitoring Is Needed. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0438 Democracy Assistance U.S. Agencies Take Steps To Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-Funded Activities. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0439 Recovery Act Funds Continue To Provide Fiscal Relief to States and Localities, While Accountability and Reporting Challenges Need To Be Fully Addressed. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0440 Recovery Act Funds Continue To Provide Fiscal Relief to States and Localities, While Accountability and Reporting Challenges Need To Be Fully Addressed (Appendixes) 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0441 Ryan White CARE Act Health Resources and Services Administration's Implementation of Certain Provisions Hampered by Lack of Timely and Accurate Information. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0442 Overseas Contingency Operations Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0443 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Fiscal Year 2010 Proposed Licensing and Registration Fees Program. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0444 GAO's Work on Today's High Risk Issues and Long-Term Challenges Before the Arizona Society of CPAs. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0445 Challenges Facing the New Administration and the 111th Congress Before the AGA 2009 Leadership Conference. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0446 Challenges Facing the New Administration and the 111th Congress Before the JFMIP 2009 Federal Financial Management Conference. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0447 Aviation Security A National Strategy and Other Actions Would Strengthen TSA's Efforts To Secure Commercial Airport Perimeters and Access Controls. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0448 Biofuels Potential Effects and Challenges of Required Increases in Production and Use. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0449 Information Security Concerted Effort Needed To Improve Federal Performance Measures. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0450 Equal Employment Opportunity DHS Has Opportunities To Better Identify and Address Barriers to EEO in Its Workforce. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0451 Retirement Savings Better Information and Sponsor Guidance Could Improve Oversight and Reduce Fees for Participants. 1
CMP-2009-GAO-0452 Defense Acquisitions Many Analyses of Alternatives Have Not Provided a Robust Assessment of Weapon System Options. 1