Employee Misclassification Improved Coordination, Outreach, and Targeting Could Better Ensure Detection and Prevention. |
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Royalty-in-Kind Program MMS Does Not Provide Reasonable Assurance It Receives Its Share of Gas, Resulting in Millions in Forgone Revenue. |
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Military Base Realignments and Closures Transportation Impact of Personnel Increases Will Be Significant, but Long-Term Costs Are Uncertain and Direct Federal Support Is Limited. |
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Aviation Weather FAA and the National Weather Service Are Considering Plans To Consolidate Weather Service Offices, but Face Significant Challenges. |
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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Analysis of Options for Revising the Housing Enterprises' Long-Term Structures. |
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Disaster Housing FEMA Needs More Detailed Guidance and Performance Measures To Help Ensure Effective Assistance After Major Disasters. |
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Vocational Rehabilitation Funding Formula Options for Improving Equity in State Grants and Considerations for Performance Incentives. |
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School Meal Programs Improved Reviews, Federal Guidance, and Data Collection Need To Address Counting and Claiming Errors. |
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Emergency Communications National Communications System Provides Programs for Priority Calling, but Planning for New Initiatives and Performance Measurement Could Be Strengthened. |
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Homeland Defense Greater Focus on Analysis of Alternatives and Threats Needed To Improve DOD's Strategic Nuclear Weapons Security. |
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DOD Business Systems Modernization Navy Implementing a Number of Key Management Controls on Enterprise Resource Planning System, but Improvements Still Needed. |
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NASA Constellation Program Cost and Schedule Will Remain Uncertain Until a Sound Business Case Is Established. |
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Homeland Defense U.S. Northern Command Has a Strong Exercise Program, but Involvement of Interagency Partners and States Can Be Improved. |
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Juvenile Justice A Time Frame for Enhancing Grant Monitoring Documentation and Verification of Data Quality Would Help Improve Accountability and Resource Allocation Decisions. |
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Missile Defense DOD Needs To More Fully Assess Requirements and Establish Operational Units Before Fielding New Capabilities. |
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Intellectual Property Enhanced Planning by U.S. Personnel Overseas Could Strengthen Efforts. |
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Depot Maintenance Improved Strategic Planning Needed To Ensure That Army and Marine Corps Depots Can Meet Future Maintenance Requirements. |
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Metropolitan Planning Organizations Options Exist To Enhance Transportation Planning Capacity and Federal Oversight. |
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Affordable Housing in Transit-Oriented Development Key Practices Could Enhance Recent Collaboration Efforts Between DOT-FTA and HUD. |
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Energy Policy Act of 2005 Greater Clarity Needed To Address Concerns with Categorical Exclusions for Oil and Gas Development Under Section 390 of the Act. |
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