Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2010-GAO-0125 Combating Gangs Federal Agencies Have Implemented a Central American Gang Strategy, but Could Strengthen Oversight and Measurement of Efforts. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0126 Disaster Recovery FEMA's Long-Term Assistance Was Helpful to State and Local Governments but Had Some Limitations. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0127 Financial Regulation Clearer Goals and Reporting Requirements Could Enhance Efforts by CFTC and SEC To Harmonize Their Regulatory Approaches. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0128 All-Terrain Vehicles How They Are Used, Crashes, and Sales of Adult-Sized Vehicles for Children's Use. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0129 Delaware River Deepening Project Comprehensive Reanalysis Corrected Errors, but Several Issues Still Need To Be Addressed. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0130 Intellectual Property Observations on Efforts To Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0131 8a Program Fourteen Ineligible Firms Received $325 Million in Sole-Source and Set-Aside Contracts. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0132 International Security DOD and State Need To Improve Sustainment Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation for Section 1206 and 1207 Assistance Programs. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0133 Coast Guard Deployable Operations Group Achieving Organizational Benefits, but Challenges Remain. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0134 Defense Infrastructure DOD Needs To Determine and Use the Most Economical Building Materials and Methods When Acquiring New Permanent Facilities. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0135 Best Practices DOD Can Achieve Better Outcomes by Standardizing the Way Manufacturing Risks Are Managed. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0136 Veterans' Disability Benefits Expanded Oversight Would Improve Training for Experienced Claims Processors. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0137 Securities and Exchange Commission Information on Fair Fund Collections and Distributions. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0138 Army Corps of Engineers Budget Formulation Process Emphasizes Agencywide Priorities, but Transparency of Budget Presentation Could Be Improved. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0139 Traffic Safety Data State Data System Quality Varies and Limited Resources and Coordination Can Inhibit Further Progress. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0140 U.S. Postal Service Strategies and Options To Facilitate Progress Toward Financial Viability. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0141 Office of Management and Budget's Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan for Civilian Agencies 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0142 Defense Logistics Actions Needed To Improve Implementation of the Army Logistics Modernization Program. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0143 Military Training Actions Needed To Further Improve the Consistency of Combat Skills Training Provided to Army and Marine Corps Support Forces. 1
CMP-2010-GAO-0144 Troubled Asset Relief Program Update of Government Assistance Provided to AIG. 1