Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2010-HEC-0092 Hearing on H.R. 5710, the National All-Schedules Electronic Reporting Reauthorization Act of 2010; and H.R. __, the Safe Drug Disposal Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0093 H.R. 5626, the Blowout Prevention Act of 2010 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0094 Section-by-Section of H.R. 5626, the Blowout Prevention Act of 2010 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0095 Hearing on "The Role of the Interior Department in the Deepwater Horizon Disaster" 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0096 Supplemental Information Regarding Federal Regulation of Deepwater Drilling 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0097 Hearing on "Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and the Consequences to the Public Health" 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0098 Legislative Hearing on H.R. 5828, the "Universal Service Reform Act of 2010" 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0099 Subcommittee Hearing "Cutting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Medicare and Medicaid" 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0100 Hearing on "The Outbreak of Salmonella in Eggs" 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0101 Legislative Hearing on H.R. 6149, the Precious Coins and Bullion Disclosure Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0102 Hearing on Discussion Draft of Drug Safety Legislation 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0103 Discussion Draft of Drug Safety Legislation Section-by-Section Summary. 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0104 Maternity Coverage in the Individual Health Insurance Market 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0105 Coverage Denials for Pre-Existing Conditions in the Individual Health Insurance Market 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0106 Arizona and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0107 Arkansas and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0108 California and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0109 Colorado and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0110 Connecticut and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1
CMP-2010-HEC-0111 Delaware and the American Clean Energy and Security Act 1