Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2013-CST-0003 A Review of the Data Broker Industry Collection, Use, and Sale of Consumer Data for Marketing Purposes. 1
CMP-2013-CST-0004 Update on the Financial State of the Class I Freight Rail Industry 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0001 State-by-State Impact of Republican Budget on Jobs 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0002 The Republican Budget Anything but Balanced. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0003 State-by-State Impact of Republic Budget on Women 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0004 Paul Ryan's "Hocus Pocus" Budget The House GOP's 5 Magic Tricks That Create the Optical Illusion of a Balanced Budget. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0005 Fact Sheet The Republican Student Loan Interest Rate Hikes. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0006 The Cost of Republican Manufactured Crises 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0007 House Republicans Must Take Action Against Domestic Violence Pass the Violence Against Women Act. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0008 Ten Reasons Why DC Circuit Court Nominee Caitlin Halligan Should Get an Up-or-Down Vote 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0009 Who Agrees with Expanding Background Checks for Gun Purchases? ...Or, More Appropriately, Who Doesn't? 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0010 Will Senate Republicans Allow a Vote on Gun Safety? 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0011 By the Numbers Student Loans #DontDoubleMyRate. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0012 By the Numbers Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0013 By the Numbers Floor Debate on the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0014 Time To Take on Economy's "Biggest Threat" 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0015 To-Do List for House Republicans Take Action on Bipartisan Bills Passed by Senate. 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0016 House Republicans Ignore Senate Jobs Bills #FocusOnJobs 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0017 Republican Strife Drives Debt Ceiling Drama 1
CMP-2013-DPC-0018 Republicans Pushing Obamacare Shutdown Ultimatum Face Backlash from Other Republicans 1