Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2013-ECJ-0010 Economic indicators / 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0011 Long-Term Unemployment in the United States, Executive Summary 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0012 Long-Term Unemployment in the United States 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0013 How Tax Distribution Tables Mislead, An Updated Guide to Tax Policy Analysis 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0014 Women in Manufacturing 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0015 Mother's Day 2013 The Importance of Mothers for Family Economic Security. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0016 Building Job Opportunities for Returning Veterans Executive Summary. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0017 Building Job Opportunities for Returning Veterans 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0018 North American Energy--Closing the Growth & Jobs Gap Lower Cost and Increased Output Reduce Natural Gas Prices, Oil Imports, Republican Staff Analysis. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0019 The Causes and Consequences of Increasing Student Debt 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0020 The Causes and Consequences of Increasing Student Debt Executive Summary. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0021 Economic indicators / 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0022 North American Energy--Closing the Growth & Jobs Gap Oil & Gas Development Boosts the Economy and Industrial Resurgence, Republican Staff Analysis. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0024 Economic indicators / 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0025 The Economic Costs of Debt-Ceiling Brinksmanship 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0026 The Economic Costs of Debt-Ceiling Brinksmanship, Executive Summary. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0027 Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, Highlights from the Census Bureau's 2012 Update. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0028 Curing America's Growth Gap, Addressing Causes Instead of Symptoms. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0029 The Economic Contribution of America's Farmers and the Importance of Agricultural Exports, Executive Summary. 1
CMP-2013-ECJ-0030 The Economic Contribution of America's Farmers and the Importance of Agricultural Exports 1