Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
CMP-2013-HEC-0176 | Hearing on "The FTC at 100: Where Do We Go from Here?" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0177 | Hearing Entitled "Medicare Advantage: What Beneficiaries Should Expect Under the President's Health Care Plan" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0178 | Hearing on "Evaluating the Role of FERC in a Changing Energy Landscape" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0179 | Subcommittee Markup on H.R. 3527, Poison Center Network Act of 2013; H.R. 1098, Traumatic Brain Injury Reauthorization Act; and H.R. 1281, Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2013 | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0180 | Hearing on "The State of Online Gaming" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0181 | Markup of H.R. 3527, Poison Center Network Act of 2013; H.R. 1098, Traumatic Brain Injury Reauthorization Act; H.R. 1281, Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2013; H.R. 724, a Bill To Amend the Clean Air Act To Remove the Requirement For Dealer Certification of New Light-Duty Motor Vehicles; H.R. __, a Bill To Amend The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 To Improve United States-Israel Energy Cooperation, and for Other Purposes; and H.R. __, Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2013 | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0182 | Hearing Entitled "PPACA Implementation Failures: What's Next?" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0183 | Hearing on "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0184 | Hearing Entitled: "Oversight of NRC Management and the Need for Legislative Reform" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0185 | Hearing on "Oversight of NRC Management and the Need for Legislative Reform" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0186 | Briefing on Security Issues | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0187 | The Anti-Environment Record of the U.S. House of Representatives, 113th Congress (1st Session) | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0188 | Debunking Republican Claims About Coverage Losses Under the Affordable Care Act | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0189 | Energy and Commerce Committee End of Session Report | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0190 |
Legislative calendar / Legislative calendar |
2 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0191 | Subcommittee Markup of "H.R. 2052, the Global Investment in American Jobs Act of 2013" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0192 | Hearing Entitled "Examining Drug Compounding" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0193 | Hearing Entitled: "Implementing the Nuclear Waste Policy Act - Next Steps" | 1 |
CMP-2013-HEC-0194 |
Legislative calendar / Legislative calendar |
2 |
CMP-2013-HEL-0001 | Primary Care Access 30 Million New Patients and 11 Months To Go: Who Will Provide Their Primary Care? | 1 |