Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-2016-HFS-0037 July 12, 2016, Full Committee Hearing Entitled "Making a Financial Choice: More Capital or More Government Control?" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0038 July 13, 2016, Full Committee Hearing Entitled "HUD Accountability" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0039 July 7, 2016, MPT Subcommittee Hearing Entitled "The Implications of U.S. Aircraft Sales to Iran" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0040 September 7, 2016, Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee Hearing Entitled "Federal Reserve Districts: Governance, Monetary Policy, and Economic Performance" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0041 September 8, 2016, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Hearing Entitled "Fueling Terror: The Dangers of Ransom Payments to Iran" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0042 September 21, 2016, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Hearing Entitled "Corporate Governance: Fostering a System That Promotes Capital Formation and Maximizes Shareholder Value" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0043 September 21, 2016, Housing and Insurance Subcommittee Hearing on "The Future of Housing in America: A Better Way To Increase Efficiencies for Housing Vouchers and Create Upward Economic Mobility" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0044 September 22, 2016, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Hearing Entitled "Examining the Agenda of Regulators, SROs, and Standards-Setters for Accounting, Auditing, and Municipal Securities" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0045 September 22, 2016, Full Committee Hearing on "The Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0046 September 23, 2016, MPT Subcommittee Hearing Entitled "The Financial Stability Board's Implications for U.S. Growth and Competitiveness" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0047 September 28, 2016, Housing and Insurance Subcommittee Hearing on "The Impact of US-EU Dialogues on U.S. Insurance Markets" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0048 September 28, 2016, Full Committee Hearing Titled "Semi-Annual Testimony on the Federal Reserve's Supervision and Regulation of the Financial System" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0049 September 27, 2016, Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee Hearing Entitled "Examining Legislative Proposals To Address Consumers Access to Mainstream Banking Services" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0050 September 29, 2016, Full Committee Hearing on "Holding Wall Street Accountable: Investigating Wells Fargo's Opening of Unauthorized Customer Accounts" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0053 November 15, 2016, Full Committee Hearing Entitled "Examining the SEC's Agenda, Operations, and FY 2018 Budget Request" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0054 November 16, 2016, Housing and Insurance Subcommittee Hearing on "Modernizing Appraisals: A Regulatory Review and the Future of the Industry" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0055 December 7, 2016, Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee Hearing Titled "Unconventional Monetary Policy" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0056 December 8, 2016, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Hearing Entitled "The Impact of Regulations on Short-Term Financing" 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0057 Unsafe at Any Bureaucracy, Part II : How the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Removed Anti-Fraud Safeguards To Achieve Political Goals. 1
CMP-2016-HFS-0058 The Obama Administration's Debt Ceiling Subterfuge : Subpoenaed Documents Reveal Treasury Misled Public in Attempt To "Maximize Pressure on Congress" 1