Call Number (LC) Title Results
CN 4.2:D 4/868 Debates and proceedings of the convention which assembled at Little Rock, January 7th, 1868
Debates and proceedings of the convention which assembled at Little Rock, January 7th, 1868 to form a constitution for the state of Arkansas /
CN15 .A48 2000 The afterlife of inscriptions : reusing, rediscovering, reinventing & revitalizing ancient inscriptions / 1
CN15 .A8 1952 Actes du deuxième Congrès international d'épigraphie grecque et latine, Paris, 1952. 1
CN15 .C64 1988 Actes du Colloque international du centenaire de l'Année épigraphique : Paris, 19-21 octobre 1988 : un siècle d'épigraphie classique : aspects de l'œuvre des savants français dans les pays du bassin méditerranéen de 1888 à nos jours. 1
CN15 .I58 1972 Akten des VI. Internationalen Kongresses für Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik, München 1972. 1
CN15 .I58 1997 XI congresso internazionale di epigrafia greca e latina : Roma, 18-24 settembre 1997 : atti. 1
CN15 .I58 2012 Öffentlichkeit-Monument-Text : XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae 27.-31. Augusti MMXII : Akten / 1
CN15 .N67 2011 Ancient documents and their contexts : First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (2011) / 1
CN25.B87 H67 2007 The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum / 1
CN25.R75 F75 2001 The epigraphic collection of the Museo nazionale romano at the Baths of Diocletian / 1
CN25.V3 I53 1995 Index inscriptionum Musei Vaticani. 1
CN30.D45 S74 2002 Ancient inscriptions / 1
CN44 .P766 1989 Problems in decipherment / 1
CN55 .S6 Visible words: a study of inscriptions in and as books and works of art
Visible words : a study of inscriptions in and as books and works of art /
CN75 .K63 1987 Literaturbericht zur mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Epigraphik (1976-1984) / 1
CN75 .K63 1994 Literaturbericht zur mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Epigraphik (1985-1991) / 1
CN75 .K63 2000 Literaturbericht zur mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Epigraphik (1992-1997) / 1
CN75 .K63 2005 Literaturbericht zur mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Epigraphik (1998-2002) / 1
CN77 .P49 1998 Writing the dead : death and writing strategies in the Western tradition / 1
CN77 .V54 2015eb Viewing inscriptions in the late antique and medieval world / 1