Call Number (LC) Title Results
CN360 .I62 vol. 1 Reprint Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores / 1
CN360 .I62 vol. 2-3 Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores / 1
CN360 .I62 vol. 2-3 Reprint Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores / 1
CN360 .I62 vol. 4 Inscriptiones Argolidis. 1
CN360 .I62 vol. 9 Inscriptiones Graecae Septentrionalis voluminibus VII et VIII non comprehensae. 1
CN360 .I64 v. 1 Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores / 1
CN360 .I64 vol. 2/3 Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores / 1
CN 360 I65 v.1 fasc.1 etc Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. 1
CN360 .M4 A selection of Greek historical inscriptions to the end of the fifth century B.C. / 1
CN360 .M5 1976 Recueil d'inscriptions grecques / 1
CN360 .M64 Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche : testo traduzion e commento / 1
CN360 .P46 Griechische Grabgedichte, griechisch und deutsch / 1
CN360 .S45 1988 A Selection of Greek historical inscriptions to the end of the fifth century B.C. / 1
CN360 .S95 Supplementum epigraphicum graecum. 1
CN362 .B37 2011 Chréstomatie starořeckých nářečních nápisů / 1
CN362 .C3 Delectus inscriptionum Graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium. 1
CN362 .D4 Initiation à l'épigraphie mycénienne. 1
CN362 .J44 1990 The local scripts of archaic Greece : a study of the origin of the Greek alphabet and its development from the eighth to the fifth centuries B.C. / 1
CN362 .R85 Tabellae Mycenenses selectae / 1
CN362 .S45 1923a Dialectorum Graecarum exempla epigraphica potiora : ('Delectus inscriptionum Graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium' quem primum atque iterum ediderat Paulus Cauer editio tertia renovata) / 1