Call Number (LC) Title Results
CN375.C6 G7 Greek numismatic epigraphy / 1
CN375.D4 V68 1998 Dionysophōntos gamoi : marital life and magic in fourth century Pella / 1
CN375.E6 E25 1990 Grabmal und Epigramm : Studien zur Frühgriechischen Sepulkraldichtung / 1
CN375.E6 S44 1992 Il segno e la memoria : iscrizioni funebri della Grecia antica / 1
CN375.E6 W65 2013 Cut these words into my stone : ancient Greek epitaphs /
Cut these words into my stone ancient Greek epitaphs /
CN375.R3 M39 1989 Die griechischen Urkundenreliefs / 1
CN375.V3 C45 2018 The so-called nonsense inscriptions on ancient Greek vases between Paideia and Paidiá /
The so-called nonsense inscriptions on Ancient Greek vases : between Paideia and Paidiá /
CN375.V3 K7 1969 Die griechischen Vaseninschriften ihrer Sprache nach Untersucht. 1
CN380.A8 Athens and Macedon : Attic letter-cutters of 300 to 229 B.C. /
Athens and Macedon Attic letter-cutters of 300 to 229 B.C. /
CN380.A8 K5 1935 Imagines inscriptionum atticarum : ein Bilderatlas epigraphischer denkmäler Attikas. 1
CN380.A8 L38 1995 Attic document reliefs : art and politics in ancient Athens / 1
CN380.A8 T728 1995 Athenian democracy in transition : Attic letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C. / 1
CN380.A8 T729 2003 Athens and Macedon : Attic letter-cutters of 300 to 229 B.C. / 1
CN380.A8 T73 1990 Attic letter-cutters of 229 to 86 B.C. / 2
CN380.B6 Epigraphica Boeotica II : Further Studies on Boiotian Inscriptions. 1
CN380.B6 F67 1991 Studies in Boiotian inscriptions / 1
CN380.C67 P57 1990 Index verborum in inscriptiones Corinthi et coloniarum / 1
CN380.C74 L58 2014 Inscriptions of the Cave "Latsida ston Keramo" = Inscriptiones Creticae "Latsidae Kerami" Antri, I.Cret.LKA / 1
CN380.C93 K56 2000 Recueil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes des Cyclades : de la fin du IIIe au VIIe siècle après J.-C. / 1
CN380.D4 D84 1976 Choix d'inscriptions de Délos / 1