Call Number (LC) Title Results
CR492 .G73 [Royal arms, with shield and initials of Queen Anne] 1
CR492 (INTERNET) Analogia honorum, or, A treatise of honour and nobility, according to the laws and customes of England collected out of the most authentick authors, both ancient and modern : in two parts : the first containing honour military, and relateth to war, the second, honour civil, and relateth.
The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms with a catalogue of the present nobility of England /
VVorkes of armorie deuyded into three bookes, entituled, the concordes of armorie, the armorie of honor, and of coates and creastes /
A display of heraldry manifesting a more easie access to the knowledge thereof than hath been hitherto published by any, through the benefit of method /
CR492 .M6 Simple heraldry / 1
CR492 .R65 2009 Rolls of arms, Henry III. 1
CR492 .W63 2000 Heraldry in historic houses of Great Britain / 1
CR492 .W66 1988 The Oxford guide to heraldry / 1
CR512 .M33 2006 Scotland's historic heraldry / 1
CR513 .A4 1973b Scottish burgh and county heraldry / 1
CR526 .O27 1998 The Wolfhound guide to the Irish harp emblem / 1
CR534.L9 S64 Herb miasta Lwowa / 1
CR552 .H38 1990 Geschichte der deutschen Nationalsymbole : Zeichen und Bedeutung / 1
CR572 .B74 2023 The fasces : a history of Ancient Rome's most dangerous political symbol / 1
CR572 ebook Diálogo de las empresas militares y amorosas 1
CR574.M54 S74 2000 Stemmario Trivulziano / 1
CR574.V56 V49 1989 Il sigillo dei Vinci / 1
CR611 .S63 2006 Ocherki istorii rossiĭskoĭ simvoliki : ot tamgi do simvolov gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta / 1
CR611 .Z48 2001 Shapka Monomakha : istoriko-kulʹturnoe i tekhnologicheskoe issledovanie / 1
CR614.4 .P3 1996 Herbivnyk mist Ukraïny / 1
CR616 .N53 1989 Herbarz polski Kaspra Niesieckiego S.J. / 1
CR672 Los símbolos políticos, el ceremonial y las distinciones oficiales del Reino de España / 1