Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1979-GOV-0013 Financial Disclosure Government Officials and Employees. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0014 Sunset Laws Establishing Systematic Oversight Procedure. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0015 Law Enforcement Reorganization at the Federal Level 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0016 Indian Affairs Legislation Enacted or Considered by the 95th Congress 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0017 Classes Protected by Civil Rights Acts 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0018 Carter Reorganization Effort at Mid-Term 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0019 Congressional Acts Authorizing Congressional Approval or Disapproval of Proposed Executive Action, 1978 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0020 Title 44, U.S. Code--Public Printing and Documents A Brief Historical Overview. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0021 Complexities of the Legislative Process A Case Study of Congressional Consideration of National Energy Legislation During the 95th Congress. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0022 Outlook on Issues for the 96th Congress in Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity; Congressional Organization and Processes; Executive Organization and Processes; Government Operations and Personnel; Political Institutions and Processes; Survey Research and Opinion Polls; Territories; Urban and Rural Development. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0023 Managing Official Information--Accessibility and Protection in the Federal Government A Selected Bibliography. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0024 Supplemental Appropriations History, Controls, Recent Records. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0025 Private Bills and Federal Charters 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0026 Indicators of Congressional Workload and Activity 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0027 American Electoral College Origins, Development, Proposals for Reform or Abolition. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0028 Single-Issue Politics in the U.S Its Evolution, Current Status, and Implications for the American Political System. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0029 Sunset and Program Review Legislation Some Congressional Options. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0030 Minority Recruitment Program Mandated by Section 310 of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978; an Analysis of the Concept of Underrepresentation of Minority Persons and Women in Federal Employment 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0031 Speechwriting in Perspective Brief Guide to Effective and Persuasive Communication. 1
CRS-1979-GOV-0032 Lobbying and Interest Groups A Selected Annotated Bibliography. 1