Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1995-EPW-0152 Cash and Noncash Benefits for Persons With Limited Income Eligibility Rules, Recipient and Expenditure Data, FYs 1992-1994. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0153 Social Security Notch Debate 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0154 Individual Retirement Account Issues and Savings Account Proposals 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0155 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Proposals to Shore Up the Single-Employer Program. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0156 Pension Provisions Enacted with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0157 Substance Abusers New Rules for Disability Benefits from Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0158 Welfare Reform FY1994 Expenditures for Aid to Families with Dependent Children. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0159 Job Training Proposed Rescissions. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0160 Veterans Construction and Equipment Proposed Rescissions. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0161 Immigration and Naturalization Service Funding and the Administration's FY1996 Immigration Initiative 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0162 Welfare Reform Implications of H.R. 4 for Child Welfare Services. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0163 Railroad Retirement Board National Performance Review II. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0164 Medical Savings Accounts Legislation in the 104th Congress. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0165 Cuban Migration to the United States Trends and Issues. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0166 Federal Retirement Proposals for Change. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0167 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Funding Issues. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0168 Federal Retirement Proposals for Change. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0169 Welfare Reform How the House-Passed Bill Would Change Family Cash Welfare. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0170 Social Welfare Spending Targets in the House Budget Resolution 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0171 Social Welfare Spending Targets in the Senate Budget Resolution 1