Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1995-EPW-0176 Medicare Reimbursement Policies 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0177 Federal Civil Service Retirement Is There a Financing or Funding Problem? 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0178 Welfare Legal Immigrant Eligibility for Benefits Under the House- and Senate-Passed H.R. 4. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0179 Emergency Assistance for Children and Their Families Under the Social Security Act 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0180 Medicare Reform Changes in Projected Spending Under H.R. 2425. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0181 Medicare Reform Changes in Projected Spending Under S. 1357 and H.R. 2425. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0182 Child Protection in the House and Senate Welfare Reform Bill 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0183 Medicaid Reform FY1994 Expenditures. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0184 Health Insurance Explaining Differences in Counts of the Uninsured. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0185 FY1996 Funding for Eisenhower Professional Development and Innovative Education Program Strategies 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0186 Medicaid Reform FY1994 Recipients by Eligibility Status. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0187 Student Loan Tax Deduction in Reconciliation Bill 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0188 Medicare Part B Premiums. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0189 Mandatory Income Tax Withholding From Pension Distributions 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0190 Earned Income Tax Credit Effects of Provisions Under the House/Senate Conference Budget Agreement. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0191 Child Care Provisions in Welfare Reform, H.R. 4 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0192 Welfare Reform Financing Welfare Through Block Grants. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0193 Family Cash Welfare Comparison of House-Passed and Senate Finance Committee Versions of H.R. 4. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0194 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Comparison of House-Passed and Senate Finance Versions of H.R. 4. 1
CRS-1995-EPW-0195 Senior Community Service Employment Program Background, FY1996 Budget Request and 104th Congress Legislation. 1