Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1998-AML-0041 Fast-Track Trade Negotiating Authority Comparison of 105th Congress Legislative Proposals. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0042 Immigration-Related Provisions of Selected Bills on Religious Persecution 1
CRS-1998-AML-0043 IRS Reform Innocent Spouse Rule. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0044 Taxpayer Protections in the Proposed IRS Restructuring Act Burden of Proof. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0045 Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act Hardship Relief and Long-Term Illegal Aliens. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0046 Taxpayer Protections in the IRS Restructuring Bill Attorneys' Fees and Damage for IRS Abuses. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0047 Extradition Countries with Whom the U.S. Has and Does Not Have an Extradition Treaty. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0048 Credit Union Common Bond Ruling NCUA v. First National Bank & Trust Co. U.S. (No. 96-843) 1
CRS-1998-AML-0049 Law of Church and State Public Aid to Sectarian Schools. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0050 Uniform Standards in Private Securities Litigation Limitations on Shareholder Lawsuits. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0051 Tobacco Advertising The Constitutionality of Limiting its Tax Deductibility. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0052 Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Proposals Before the 105th Congress. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0053 Independent Counsel Provisions An Overview of the Operation of the Law. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0054 Legal Analysis of the 10% Disadvantaged Small Business Set-Aside Provisions of H.R. 2400, the "Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act of 1997" 1
CRS-1998-AML-0055 Restrictions on Minors' Access to Material on the Internet 1
CRS-1998-AML-0056 Tobacco Marketing and Advertising Restrictions in S. 1648, 105th Congress First Amendment Issues. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0057 Global Climate Change Selected Legal Questions About the Kyoto Protocol. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0058 Law of Church and State The Proposed Religious Freedom Amendment, H.J.Res. 78. 1
CRS-1998-AML-0059 Banking Acquisition and Merger Procedures 1
CRS-1998-AML-0060 Tobacco Marketing and Advertising Restrictions in S. 1415, 105th Congress First Amendment Issues. 1