Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2000-AML-0094 Presidential Authority to Create a National Monument on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and Possible Effects of Designation 1
CRS-2000-AML-0095 Campaign Finance Constitutional and Legal Issues of Soft Money. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0096 Victims' Rights Amendment Proposals to Amend the United States Constitution in the 106th Congress. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0097 Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Women Developments in Federal Law. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0098 United States Flag Federal Law Relating to Display and Associated Questions. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0099 Law of Church and State Public Aid to Sectarian Schools. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0100 Congressional Authority To Standardize National Election Procedures 1
CRS-2000-AML-0101 Clean Air Standards The Supreme Court Agrees to Review American Trucking Associations v. EPA. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0102 Campaign Finance Constitutional and Legal Issues of Soft Money. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0103 Education Vouchers Constitutional Issues and Cases. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0104 House Contested Election Cases 1933 to 2000. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0105 Supreme Court Church-State Cases, 1999-2000 Term. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0107 Copyright Cases in the Courts Napster, MP3, Digital Music, and DVD Motion Picture Encryption Technology. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0108 Sampling for Census 2000 State Legislative Activity on Redistricting Data. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0110 Status of H.R. 833 The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2000. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0111 Civil Forfeiture Revision Comparison of Major Bills of the 106th Congress. 1
CRS-2000-AML-0112 Conflicts of Interest and the Disqualification of Federal Advisory Committee Members 1
CRS-2000-AML-0113 Legal Analysis of Proposed Regulation Regarding Adjustment of the Decennial Census Population Tabulations Reported to States and Localities Pursuant to 13 U.S.C. Section 141(c) 1
CRS-2000-AML-0116 State Sales Taxation of Internet Transactions 1
CRS-2000-AML-0117 Internet Gambling A Sketch of Legislative Proposals. 1