Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2005-GVF-0172 Senior Executive Service (SES) Pay System 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0173 Disaster Response and Appointment of a Recovery Czar The Executive Branch's Response to the Flood of 1927. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0174 Senate Rule XIV Procedures for Placing Measures Directly on the Senate Calendar 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0175 Speaker Hastert's Plan to Offset Spending A Procedural Perspective. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0176 Supplemental Appropriations Trends and Budgetary Impacts Since 1981. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0177 Is the U.S. Trade Deficit Caused by a Global Saving Glut? 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0178 Hurricane Katrina Recovery Contracts Awarded by the Federal Government. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0179 Congressional Gifts and Travel, Legislative Proposals for the 109th Congress 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0180 Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Legislation (Including Budgetary Implications) 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0181 Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the State Budgets of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0182 Taxes and Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Reconciliation A Brief Summary. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0183 Federal White-Collar Pay FY2006 and FY2007 Salary Adjustments. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0184 Federal Hurricane Recovery Coordinator Appointment and Oversight Issues. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0185 GSE Reform A New Affordable Housing Fund. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0186 Federal Income Tax Thresholds for Selected Years 1996 Through 2006. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0187 Federal Business Taxation The Current System, Its Effects, and Options for Reform. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0188 Asset Distribution of Taxable Estates An Analysis. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0189 Homeland Security Department Organization and Management - Implementation Phase. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0190 Temporary Tax Provisions ("Extenders") Expired in 2003 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0191 Federal White-Collar Pay FY2005 Salary Adjustments. 1