Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2005-GVF-0899 Capitol Visitor Center An Overview. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0900 Supreme Court Nominations Not Confirmed, 1789-2005 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0901 Research Tax Credit Current Status, Legislative Proposals, and Policy Issues. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0902 Availability of Legislative Proposals in the House of Representatives (The "Three-Day Rule") 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0903 Trade-Through Rule 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0904 Mutual Fund Reform Bills in the 108th Congress A Side-by-Side Comparison. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0905 DOD'S National Security Personnel System Provisions of Law and Implementation Plans. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0906 Civil Charges in Corporate Scandals 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0907 House Vacancies Proposals for Filling Them After the Death or Injury of Large Numbers of Members, 2005-2006. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0908 House Committee Funding Legislation, 109th Congress 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0909 Reexamining Rules Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0910 Overview of the Administration's Strengthening America's Communities Initiative 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0911 Legislative Branch Appropriations for FY2006. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0912 Investing Social Security Funds in the Stock Market Some Economic Considerations. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0913 Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0914 U.S. Circuit and District Court Nominations by President George W. Bush During the 107th and 108th Congresses 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0915 Freedom of Information Act Amendments 109th Congress. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0916 Bankruptcy Reform The Means Test. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0917 Legislative Branch Appropriations for FY2006. 1
CRS-2005-GVF-0918 House Committee Funding Legislation, 109th Congress 1