Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2008-GVF-0642 Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve Current Policy and Conditions. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0643 Continuation of Employment Benefits for Senate Restaurant Employees 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0644 Economic Slowdown Issues and Policies. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0645 Developing Debt-Limit Legislation The House's "Gephardt Rule" 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0646 Legislative Procedures for Adjusting the Public Debt Limit A Brief Overview. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0647 Agency Justification of the President's Budget 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0648 Record Voting in the House of Representatives Issues and Options. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0649 Estate Tax Legislation in the 110th Congress 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0650 FEMA's Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program Overview and Issues. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0651 Nominations to Article III Lower Courts by President George W. Bush During the 110th Congress 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0652 Insurance Regulation Issues, Background, and Current Legislation. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0653 Evolution of the Senate's Role in the Nomination and Confirmation Process A Brief History. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0654 Reforming the Regulation of Government-Sponsored Enterprises in the 110th Congress 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0655 Senate's Calendar of Business 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0656 Senate's Executive Calendar 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0657 Congressionally Chartered Nonprofit Organizations ("Title 36 Corporations") What They Are and How Congress Treats Them. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0658 Weak Dollar, Strong Dollar Causes and Consequences. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0659 Federal Financial Services Regulatory Consolidation An Overview. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0660 Internet Taxation Issues and Legislation. 1
CRS-2008-GVF-0661 Campaign Finance Legislative Developments and Policy Issues in the 110th Congress. 1