Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2021-CRS-216468 The Regulatory Flexibility Act : An Overview, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216469 The Big Tech Antitrust Bills. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216470 Potential Military Roles for Supersonic Transports, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216471 Federal Employees and COVID-19 Vaccination Attestations : Immediate Takeaways, CRS Legal Sidebar. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216472 Federal Crop Insurance Program (FCIP) : Replanting, Delayed Planting, and Prevented Planting. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216473 The Bureau of Indian Affairs : FY2022 Appropriations, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216474 U.S. Steel Manufacturing : National Security and Tariffs, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216475 Salaries of Members of Congress : Congressional Votes, 1990-2021. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216476 Terrorist Groups in Afghanistan, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216477 Joint All-Domain Command and Control : Background and Issues for Congress. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216478 International Financial Institutions : FY2022 Budget Request, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216479 The Great American Outdoors Act (P.L. 116-152), CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216480 VA Now Processing Gulf War Veterans' Disability Claims for New Respiratory Presumptive Conditions, CRS Insight. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216482 Data on Contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), CRS Insight. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216483 Addressing Nontariff Barriers to Agricultural Trade at the WTO, CRS In Focus. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216484 Health Insurance Continuation Coverage Under COBRA. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216485 Management of the Colorado River : Water Allocations, Drought, and the Federal Role. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216486 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works : Policy Primer, CRS Insight. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216487 Appropriations Report Language : Overview of Components and Development. 1
CRS-2021-CRS-216488 Afghan Women and Girls : Status and Congressional Action, CRS In Focus. 1