Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 1.2:P 94/21 Department of Defense Future Personal Property Program families first. 1
D 1.2:P 94/22 Protecting the force lessons from Fort Hood / 1
D 1.2:P 94/23 On watch : profiles from the National Security Agency's past 40 years. 1
D 1.2:P 94/24 Providing for the common defense : a promise kept to the American taxpayer. 1
D 1.2:P 94/25 Providing for the common defense : the assessment and recommendations of the National Defense Strategy Commission. 1
D 1.2:P 96 The capture of the USS Pueblo and its effect on SIGINT operations / 1
D 1.2:P 97 Purchased items and purchasing locations of the Department of Defense. 1
D 1.2:P 97/2/ Projected defense purchases, detail by industry and state. 1
D 1.2:P 97/3 So power can be brought into play : SIGINT and the Pusan Perimeter /
So power can be brought into play SIGINT and the Pusan Perimeter /
D 1.2:P 97/4 FY 2005 DOD purchases made through the Department of the Interior 1
D 1.2:Q 2 Quality Conference, May 26-29, 1998 "innovation" : our key to meeting new challenges. 1
D 1.2:Q 2/2 Quadrennial roles and missions review report 1
D 1.2:Q 3 Questions & answers on the Defense Industrial Security Program. 1
D 1.2:Q 4 Quick facts traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 1
D 1.2:R 11/2 Radio intelligence on the Mexican border, World War I a personal view. 1
D 1.2:R 11/V.1-2 Report on search for human radiation experiment records, 1944-1994
Report on search for human radiation experiment records, 1944-1994 /
D 1.2:R 13 [World gets first look at B-21 Raider]. 1
D 1.2:R 24 Rebalancing forces easing the stress on the Guard and Reserve / 1
D 1.2:R 24/2 A dangerous business the U.S. Navy and national reconnaissance during the Cold War : commemorating silent sacrifices / 1
D 1.2:R 25 Initial plan for reforming the business operations of the Department of Defense for efficiency and effectiveness / 1