Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.133:5292 Processing, fabrication and characterization of advanced target sensors using mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) 1
D 101.133:5295 Linear viscoelastic predictions using a single-chain mean-field discrete slip-link model 1
D 101.133:5299 Experiments and simulations of exploding aluminum wires validation of ALEGRA-MHD / 1
D 101.133:5301 Formation of gaps at the speciman-bar interfaces in numerical simulations of compression Hopkinson bar tests on soft, nearly incompressible materials 1
D 101.133:5303 Quantitative gap measurement in ceramic armor arrays 1
D 101.133:5309 Towards mechanochemistry of fracture and cohesion general introduction and the simplest model of velcro / 1
D 101.133:5310 Towards mechanochemistry of fracture and cohesion mechanics of a catenary process zone / 1
D 101.133:5311 Characterization and consolidation of tungsten nanopowders produced by salt-assisted combustion synthesis 1
D 101.133:5315 Characterization of Attocube nanopositioners for vibration 1
D 101.133:5317 Magnetic modeling of a rotating flux concentrator system designed to mitigate noise in large magnetic sensors 1
D 101.133:5319 Topology optimization based lightweight armor development 1
D 101.133:5320 Development of a miniature snapshot multispectral imager 1
D 101.133:5322 Force Protection Surveillance System algorithm and performance / 1
D 101.133:5323 Review of two-phase electronics cooling for army vehicle applications 1
D 101.133:5327 Inverse normalized energy based feature using wavelet for trend prognosis on mechanical coupling for the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS) 1
D 101.133:5331 Unmanned ground vehicle two-level planning technology assessment 1
D 101.133:5335 Series solutions for atom guides 1
D 101.133:5339 Microsoft excel based S-parameter device analysis software 1
D 101.133:5343 Asymptotic techniques for atomic waveguide calculations 1
D 101.133:5344 Fusion of asynchronous, parallel, unreliable data streams 1