Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.146:P 94/4 Visual propaganda and extremism in the online environment / 2
D 101.146:P 94/5 Project 1721 : a U.S. Army War College assessment on Russian strategy in Eastern Europe and recommendations on how to leverage landpower to maintain the peace / 1
D 101.146:P 94/6 Project 1704 : a U.S. Army War College analysis of Russian strategy in Eastern Europe, an appropriate U.S. response, and the implications for U.S. landpower / 1
D 101.146:P 94/7 Professionalizing the Iraqi Army : US engagement after the Islamic State / 1
D 101.146:P 94/8 Framing the future of the US military profession / 1
D 101.146:P 95 Pseudo operations and counterinsurgency : lessons from other countries / 2
D 101.146:P 96/ U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute publications catalog 1
D 101.146:P 98 Politics and economics in Putin's Russia / 2
D 101.146:R 24 Guide to rebuilding governance in stability operations : a role for the military? / 1
D 101.146:R 24/2 Rebuilding armed forces : learning from Iraq and Lebanon /
Guide to rebuilding public sector services in stability operations : a role for the military /
D 101.146:R 24/3 The real rebalancing : American diplomacy and the tragedy of President Obama's foreign policy / 2
D 101.146:R 26 Regionalizing east Mediterranean gas : energy security, stability, and the U.S. role / 1
D 101.146:R 27 U.S.-UK relations at the start of the 21st century /
U.S.-UK relations at the start of the 21st century
D 101.146:R 31 The reserve policies of nations a comparative analysis /
The reserve policies of nations : a comparative analysis /
D 101.146:R 31/2 A framework for restructuring the military retirement system / 1
D 101.146:R 31/3 The effective use of reserve personnel in the U.S. military : lessons from the United Kingdom reserve model / 1
D 101.146:R 31/4 A modern Army Reserve for a multi-domain world : structural realities and untapped potential / 1
D 101.146:R 31/5 Not so fast : why the call to expand the reserve components is premature / 1
D 101.146:R 31/6 Examining the roles of Army Reserve component forces in military cyberspace operations / 1
D 101.146:R 32 Recognizing and understanding revolutionary change in warfare : the sovereignty of context /
Recognizing and understanding revolutionary change in warfare the sovereignty of context /