Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.22:135-1 Department of the Army policies pertaining to the reserve components of the Army. 1
D 101.22:135-1/953 Department of the Army policies pertaining to the reserve components of the Army. 1
D 101.22:135-2/6 Briefing on reemployment rights of members of the Army National Guard and the US Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:135-2/976 Briefing on reemployment rights of members of the Army National Guard and the US Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:135-3 A guide to Reserve components of the Army. 1
D 101.22:135-5-1 REQUEST user manual for reception stations. 1
D 101.22:135-5-2 Request user manual for US Army Military Personnel Center. 1
D 101.22:140-1/3 United States Army Reserve officers personnel development and utilization. 1
D 101.22:140-1/978 United States Army Reserve officers personnel development and utilization. 1
D 101.22:140-3 Strength in reserve; a bibliographic survey of the United States Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:140-5 Information pamphlet for the career development of enlisted members of the United States Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:140-6 United States Army Reserve awards and decorations. 1
D 101.22:140-7 The role of the Reserve in the total Army : a bibliographic survey of the United States Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:140-8 Information pamphlet for the career development of enlisted members of the United States Army Reserve. 1
D 101.22:140-8-1 REQUEST user manual for US Army Reserve guidance counselors. 1
D 101.22:140-8-2 Request user manual for Army Reserve Command/General Office Command. 1
D 101.22:140-8-3 Request user manual for Office, Chief Army Reserve, US Army Forces Command, USAR managers, US Army Headquarters. 1
D 101.22:140-8-4 Request user manual for regional recruiting command. 1
D 101.22:140-8-5 REQUEST user manual for US Army Recruiting Command. 1
D 101.22:140-8/986 Information pamphlet for the career development of enlisted members of the United States Army Reserve. 1