Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.60/2:1750 Attrition in the Army from the signing of the enlistment contract through 180 days of service / 1
D 101.60/2:1751 The combined background of infantrymen, FY99 / 1
D 101.60/2:1752 Operational assessment of Force XXI training products : lessons for successful fielding / 1
D 101.60/2:1753 Modeling and measuring situation awareness in the infantry operational environment / 2
D 101.60/2:1754 Analysis of mission-based scenarios for training soldiers and small unit leaders in virtual environments / 2
D 101.60/2:1755 Structured simulation-based training programs : history and lessons learned / 1
D 101.60/2:1756 Combined arms structured simulation-based training programs : reflections of key developers / 1
D 101.60/2:1757 Direct observation in the conduct of training impact analyses / 2
D 101.60/2:1758 Summary of recommendations for successful fielding of force XXI training products / 1
D 101.60/2:1759 The Commanders' integrated training tool for the close combat tactical trainer - 2 : second generation design and prototype development / 1
D 101.60/2:1760 Factors affecting the career decisions of army captains / 1
D 101.60/2:1761 Basic rifle marksmanship training with the laser marksmanship training system / 2
D 101.60/2:1762 The computer background of soldiers in infantry course, FY99-00 / 1
D 101.60/2:1763 Refinement of prototype staff training methods for future forces 1
D 101.60/2:1764 Refinement of prototype staff training and evaluation methods for future forces /
Refinement of prototype staff evaluation methods for future forces a focus on automated measures /
D 101.60/2:1766 Developing an Army market research index in support of Army recruiting / 1
D 101.60/2:1767 Training and assessment of decision-making skills in virtual environments / 1
D 101.60/2:1768 The virtual sand table : intelligent tutoring for field artillery training /
The virtual sand table intelligent tutoring for field artillery training /
D 101.60/2:1769 Analysis of the USAREC recruiting incentive, Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) as viewed by the Big-3 companies of the automotive industry : results, conclusions and recommendations / 1
D 101.60/2:1770 Measures of platoon leader situation awareness in virtual decision-making exercises / 1