Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.60/2:1805 Training the troops what today's soldiers tell us about training for information-age digital competency /
Training the troops : what today's soldiers tell us about training for information-age digital competency /
D 101.60/2:1806 Using virtual environments for conducting small unit dismounted mission rehearsals / 2
D 101.60/2:1807 Recommendations for an Army NCO semi-centralized promotion for the 21st century / 1
D 101.60/2:1808 Web-based collaborative learning : communication between learners within a virtual tactical operations center /
Web-based collaborative learning communication between learners within a virtual tactical operations center /
D 101.60/2:1809 Training and training technology issues for the objective force warrior / 1
D 101.60/2:1810 Exploiting FBCB2 capabilities through realistic feedback /
Exploiting FBCB2 capabilities through realistic feedback
D 101.60/2:1811 Training adaptability in digital skills the learning skills bridge (LSB) learning accelerator /
Training adaptability in digital skills : the Learning Skills Bridge (LSB) learning accelerator /
D 101.60/2:1812 Human performance essential to battle command : report on four future combat systems command and control (FCS C²) experiments / 1
D 101.60/2:1813 Advanced Bradley full-crew interactive simulation trainer (AB-FIST) limited user/functional test / 1
D 101.60/2:1814 Combat leaders' guide (CLG) : leader handbook, 2003 / 1
D 101.60/2:1815 Training future force leaders to make decisions using digital information / 1
D 101.60/2:1816 MINDPRINT : developing the soldiers and leaders of Objective Force and beyond / 1
D 101.60/2: 1817 Training on common military messages / 1
D 101.60/2: 1818 Multi-echelon distributed Army leaders' information support training (MEDALIST) : prototype development and recommendations for future research / 1
D 101.60/2:1818 Multi-echelon distributed Army leaders' information support training (MEDALIST) prototype development and recommendations for future research / 1
D 101.60/2: 1819 Future combat systems command and control (FCS C²) human functions assessment : interim report, experiment 3 / 1
D 101.60/2:1820 Assessing the effectiveness of the close combat tactical trainer / 1
D 101.60/2:1821 Novice versus expert command groups : preliminary findings and training implications for future combat systems / 1
D 101.60/2:1822 Instructional characteristics and motivational features of a PC-based game / 1
D 101.60/2:1823 Knowledge networks for Future Force training illustration of searching, retrieval, and communication concepts /
Knowledge networks for Future Force training : illustration of searching, retrieval, and communication concepts /