Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.60/5:2007-01 Modeling Army applicants' job choices : the Enlisted Personnel Allocation System (EPAS) simulation Job Choice Model (JCM) /
Red Cape crisis action planning and execution /
The relation between group-level characteristics and group cohesion /
D 101.60/5:2007-02 Army SRB program : estimates of effects on retention (revised) and length of reenlistment / 1
D 101.60/5:2007-03 Army excellence in leadership (AXL) : educating army leaders with the Tripwire film /
Econometric estimates of Army retention: zones A, B, C, D and retirement-eligible, 1990-2004 /
D 101.60/5:2007-04 Red cape crisis response training for National Guard and interagency teams /
Updating ARI educational benefits usage data bases for Army Regular, Reserve, and Guard: 2005-2006 /
D 101.60/5:2007/4/CD Battle Command Visualization 101 a near term approach to embedded training. 1
D 101.60/5:2007-05 Exemplar training for battalion visualization 1
D 101.60/5:2007-08 Heuristic evaluation of a user interface for a game-based simulation / 1
D 101.60/5:2008-01 A cost-benefit analysis applied to example proposals for army training and education research / 1
D 101.60/5:2008-01x A U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) tacit knowledge inventory : flexible structure for squad-level leader self-development / 1
D 101.60/5:2008-02 Relations between Select21 predictor measures and first-term attrition / 1
D 101.60/5:2008-02x After action review tools for dismounted soldier systems / 1
D 101.60/5 : 2008-08 An evolutionary game theory model of revision-resistant motivations and strategic reasoning / 1
D 101.60/5:2009-01 Social Awareness and Influence Workshop Materials (CD-ROM) 1
D 101.60/5:2009-04 Metrics for assessing cognitive skills in the Maneuver Captains Career Course / 1
D 101.60/5:2009-05 Methodology for evaluating transfer of learning from the U.S. Army's advanced leaders course / 1
D 101.60/5:2009-07 Annotated bibliography of the Army Research Institute's training research supporting the Land Warrior and Ground Soldier systems : 1998-2009 / 1
D 101.60/5:2009-10 Developing adaptive training in the classroom. 1
D 101.60/5:2009-11 Validating future force performance measures (army class) : reclassification test and criterion development /
Validating future force performance measures (Army class) : reclassification test and criterion development /
D 101.60/6: Army Research Institute program in basic research. 1
D 101.60/6:8 Perspectives on the utility of systems science in the Army / 1