Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 101.60:285 Training transfer from mini-tank range to tank main gun firing
Training transfer from mini-tank range to tank main gun firing /
D 101.60:286 The structure of combat intelligence ratings
The structure of combat intelligence ratings /
D 101.60:287 A computer graphic-based aid for analyzing tactical sightings of enemy forces /
A computer graphic-based aid for analyzing tactical sightings of enemy forces
D 101.60:288 Early development of the military aptitude predictor (MAP)
Early development of the military aptitude predictor (MAP) /
D 101.60:289 Development of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) forms 2 and 3 /
Development of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) forms 2 and 3
D 101.60:291 Performance motivation in armor training /
Performance motivation in armor training
D 101.60:292 An empirical investigation of the effect of the heteroscedasticity and heterogeneity variance on the analysis of covariance and the Johnson-Neyman technique
An empirical investigation of the effect of the heteroscedasticity and heterogeneity variance on the analysis of covariance and the Johnson-Neyman technique /
D 101.60:293 Women and ROTC summer camp, 1975
Women and ROTC summer camp, 1975 /
D 101.60:294 The assignment module : an element of an experimental computer-enhanced career counseling system for army officers /
The assignment module an element of an experimental computer-enhanced career counseling system for army officers /
D 101.60:295 Comprehension of time-compressed speech as a function of training /
Comprehension of time-compressed speech as a function of training
D 101.60:296 Threshold of intelligibility/comprehensibility of rapid connected speech : method and instrumentation / 1
D 101.60:297 A speech-rate intelligibility/comprehensibility threshold for speeded and time-compressed connected speech / 1
D 101.60:298 Evaluation of a flight simulator (device 2B24) for maintaining instrument proficiency among instrument-rated Army Pilots /
Evaluation of a flight simulator (device 2B24) for maintaining instrument proficiency among instrument-rated Army pilots /
D 101.60:299 Comparison of three display devices for unattended ground sensors / 2
D 101.60:300 The effects of work-rest, target activity, background noise, and string size on operator interpretation of the unattended ground sensor records
The effects of work-rest, target activity, background noise, and string size on operator interpretation of unattended ground sensor records /
D 101.60:301 Evaluation of four target-identification training techniques / 1
D 101.60:302 A validation of the structure of combat intelligence ratings
A validation of the structure of combat intelligence ratings /
D 101.60:303 Television as stimulus input in synthetic performance testing /
Television as stimulus input in synthetic performance testing
D 101.60:304 The value of special training and job aids for improving unattended ground sensor operator performance
The value of special training and job aids for improving unattended ground sensor operator performance /
D 101.60:305 MOVANAID, an interactive aid for analysis of movement capabilities
MOVANAID : an interactive aid for analysis of movement capabilities /