Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 103.24/4:GL-80-3 Minimum concrete strength for pavements and floor slabs : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-80-5 Interpretation of data from uphole refraction surveys : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-80-7 Investigation for South Fill area, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-80-15 Mathematical analyses of landside seepage berms : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-80-17 Traffic slope tests of military inventory items and their effectiveness in riverine egress tests / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-80-18 Dynamic foundation investigation for MMW radar facility, Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-81-1 In situ seismic investigation of Coyote Dam : final report / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-81-3 Overview for design and construction of drilled shafts in cohesive soils / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-81-4 Evaluation of membrane-type materials for streambank erosion protection / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-82-3 Consolidation of soft layers by finite strain analysis / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-82-4 Analysis of field compaction data, DeGray Dam, Caddo River, Arkansas / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-82-10 The effects of end platens, method of loading, and specimen size in monotonic triaxial ̄R tests / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-83-1 Geophysical survey analyses and interpretation : Newton Dam, Utah / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-83-19 Seismic analysis of tunnel boring machine signals at Kerckhoff Tunnel / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-83-20 Evaluation of revised manual compaction rammers and laboratory compaction procedures / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-84-9 Nondestructive vibratory testing and evaluation procedure for military roads and streets / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-84-10 Scale and time effects in hydraulic fracturing / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-84-20 Predicted and actual performance of a structure in expansive soils / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-86-4 Asphalt pavement recycling primer / 1
D 103.24/4:GL-86-19 Facilities technology application tests, fuel-resistant pavement sealers / 1