D 103.42/10:77-8
Hydraulics of Great Lakes inlets / |
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D 103.42/10:77-9
Calculating a yearly limit depth to the active beach profile / |
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D 103.42/10:77-10
Littoral environment observations and beach changes along the southwest Florida coast / |
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D 103.42/10:77-11
Forces exerted by waves on a pipeline at or near the ocean bottom / |
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D 103.42/10:77-12
Wind-wave propagation over flooded, vegetated land / |
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D 103.42/10:78-1
Wave transformation at isolated vertical piles in shallow water / |
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D 103.42/10:78-2
Reanalysis of wave runup on structures and beaches / |
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D 103.42/10:78-3
Prototype scale mooring load and transmission tests for a floating tire breakwater / |
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D 103.42/10:78-4
Geometry of profiles across Inner Continental Shelves of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States / |
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D 103.42/10:78-5
Sand ripple growth in an oscillatory-flow water tunnel / |
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D 103.42/10:79-1
Relation between immersed weight and volume rates of longshore transport / |
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D 103.42/10:79-2
Sediments, shallow subbottom structure, and sand resources of the inner continental shelf, central Delmarva Peninsula / |
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D 103.42/10:79-4
Changes in rates of shore retreat, Lake Michigan, 1967-76 / |
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D 103.42/10:80-1
Transport of dredged sediment placed in the nearshore zone--Currituck sand-bypass study (phase I) / |
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D 103.42/10:80-2
Energy spectra in shallow U.S. coastal waters / |
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D 103.42/10:80-4
The SPM energy flux method for predicting longshore transport rate / |
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D 103.42/10:80-7
Prediction of shore retreat and nearshore profile adjustments to rising water levels on the Great Lakes / |
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D 103.42/10:80-8
Calculation of wave attenuation due to friction and shoaling : an evaluation / |
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D 103.42/10:81-1
Estimation of wave reflection and energy dissipation coefficients for beaches, revetments, and breakwaters / |
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D 103.42/10:81-2
Longshore sand transport study at Channel Islands Harbor, California / |
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