D 15.10:6034 F
Operation GREENHOUSE, 1951 / |
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CASTLE series, 1954 / |
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Operation IVY, 1952 / |
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Operation REDWING, 1956 / |
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Operation HARDTACK I, 1958 / |
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D 15.10:6039 F
Operation ARGUS, 1958 / |
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Operation DOMINIC I, 1962 / |
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D 15.10:6041F/996
For the record : a history of the nuclear test personnel review program, 1978-1993 / |
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D 15.12:02-1
AFRRI's gamma-ray, x-ray, and fission-neutron calibration curves for the lymphocyte dicentric assay : application of a metaphase finder system / |
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D 15.12/2:81-3
Neurobiological data collection and initial data reduction system / |
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D 15.12/2:83-5
Fallout : its characteristics and management / |
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D 15.12/2:84-4
Methods for use of the single-electrode voltage clamp / |
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D 15.12/2:86-1
D 15.12/2:86-2
Preliminary evaluation of U.S. Army RADIAC detector DT-236/PD and RADIAC computer-indicator CP-696/UD / |
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D 15.12/2:86-3
Ionization chamber intercomparison in mixed neutron and gamma-ray radiation fields by National Bureau of Standards and Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute / |
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D 15.12/2:86-4
Reference dosimetry for 1986 NATO battlefield dosimetry intercomparison at Army Pulsed Radiation Facility / |
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D 15.12/2:86-5
Rat phantom depth dose studies in electron, X-ray, gamma-ray, and reactor radiation fields / |
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D 15.12/2:87-1
Comparison of AFRRI and ETCA dosimetry measurements at AFRRI TRIGA reactor / |
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D 15.12/2:88-2