D 203.22:119/
Weather station index. |
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D 203.22:207
Weather station index. |
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D 203.22:216/963
Air navigation / |
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D 203.22:218/
Astronomical navigation tables / |
1 |
D 203.22:220/956
Navigation dictionary / |
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D 203.22:220/969
Navigation dictionary. |
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D 203.22:226
Handbook of magnetic compass adjustment / |
1 |
D 203.22:229/
Sight reduction tables for marine navigation. |
1 |
D 203.22:238
References on the physical oceanography of the Western Pacific Ocean / |
1 |
D 203.22:260
Azimuths of the sun and other celestial bodies of declination 0⁰ to 23⁰ for latitudes extending to 70⁰ from the equator. |
1 |
D 203.22:520/
Racon list. |
1 |
D 203.22:603/rep
Practical methods for observing and forecasting ocean waves by means of wave spectra and statistics / |
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D 203.22:604/951
Techniques for forecasting wind waves and swell. |
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D 203.22:606-a/969
Obtaining and reporting navigational information : U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office observers manual. |
1 |
D 203.22:606-b/958
Sonic soundings. |
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D 203.22:606-c/956
Bathythermograph observations. |
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D 203.22:606-d/956
Ice observations. |
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D 203.22:606-e
Sea and swell observations : wave characteristics, waves of the sea, how to make observations, reporting procedure. |
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D 203.22:607/968
Instruction manual for obtaining oceanographic data. |
1 |
D 203.22:609/952
A functional glossary of ice terminology. |
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