Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 206.10:535 The fungal flora of the submarine environment during prolonged submergence / 1
D 206.10:537 In vivo assessment of the solubility of tooth enamel during an FBM patrol / 1
D 206.10:538 Taste thresholds to bitter compounds during a submarine patrol / 1
D 206.10:539 Dietary habits and related factors in FBM crew members / 1
D 206.10:540 The use of circumaural earphones in audiometry / 1
D 206.10:541 Responses to the underwater distortions of visual stimuli / 1
D 206.10:543 Head positioning for the Panorex X-ray machine / 1
D 206.10:544 Auditory feedback and helium-speech / 1
D 206.10:545 Analyses of a variety of visual problems encountered during naval operations at night / 1
D 206.10:546 The threshold of the stapedius reflex to selected acoustic stimuli in normal human ears / 1
D 206.10:548 The perception of pitch in a white noise mask / 1
D 206.10:549 Salivary acid-base levels during exposure to an elevated carbon dioxide atmosphere / 1
D 206.10:550 Extra-alveolar air resulting from submarine escape training : a post-training roentgenographic survey of 170 submariners / 1
D 206.10:551 The underwater visibility of colors with artificial illumination / 1
D 206.10:554 Observations of intra-ocular pressure changes during an FBM patrol as measured by Schiotz tonometry / 1
D 206.10:555 The intelligibility of helium-speech as a function of speech-to-noise ratio / 1
D 206.10:556 Performance effects of increased ambient pressure. 1
D 206.10:557 Stereoscopic and resolution acuity with varying field of view / 1
D 206.10:558 Light flashes, pupil size and visual performance : an analysis of discomfort in the use of electro-optical aids / 1
D 206.10:559 The use of Synder's caries activity test in oral hygiene effectiveness monitoring / 1