D 206.10:765
Excretion of minerals and nitrogen metabolites following exposure to increased air pressures (2 or 7 ATA) / |
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D 206.10:766
Urinary indicators of stress : effects of exposure to simulated sonar noise for 8 to 23 days / |
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D 206.10:767
Visual characteristics of Submarine School candidates, submariners and Navy divers : information derived from the longitudinal health study / |
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D 206.10:768
The contribution of the poorer ear to binaural intelligibility / |
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D 206.10:769
Visibility of colored targets in free-swimming scuba search / |
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D 206.10:770
Effects of repetition and dark adaptation on visual evoked responses in the rat / |
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D 206.10:771
Cholesterol levels in submariners : a pilot study / |
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D 206.10:772
Animal saturation diving at simulated depths of 50 and 60 feet : description of operation and environment / |
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D 206.10:773
Hemostatic alterations following severe dysbaric stress / |
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D 206.10:774
Biochemical responses of men to simulated air dives of 100 feet / |
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D 206.10:776
Shallow habitat air dive (SHAD-I) : psychological screening of divers as subjects for long duration saturation experimentation / |
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D 206.10:777
Judgments of the visibility of colors made from an underwater habitat / |
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D 206.10:778
The visual evoked cortical potential as a measure of stress in Naval environments : (3) the response to pattern and color / |
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D 206.10:779
Underwater hearing in man. |
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D 206.10:780
First apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid, pK₁', in human serum and red cells / |
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D 206.10:781
Metabolic and hematologic factors in chronic air saturation at 2.5 ATA / |
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D 206.10:782
Effects of waxed dental floss inclusion in the regimen of oral hygiene of Antarctic personnel / |
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D 206.10:783
Polarizing filters and underwater vision / |
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D 206.10:784
Thyroid status of rats during simulated shallow-water saturation dives / |
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D 206.10:785
Hearing threshold shifts to high frequency tonal pulses / |
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