Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 208.6/3:Am 7/966 Basics of magnetic amplifiers ; trainee's guide for fire control technician training. 1
D 208.6/3:Au 8 ADP standards manual / 1
D 208.6/3:B 13 Clinical laboratory procedures; bacteriology and mycology / 1
D 208.6/3:B 23/959 Ship's serviceman barber handbook. 1
D 208.6/3:B 52 Biochemistry. 1
D 208.6/3:B 63 Curriculum for Naval Reserve training preparatory for BM2 boatswain's mate. 1
D 208.6/3:C 18 Naval officer careers ; a handbook of occupational information. 1
D 208.6/3:C 18/3 The Naval officer's career planning guidebook. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36 The guidebook for Naval Reserve chaplains. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36/3/973 Naval Reserve chaplains handbook. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36/4/972 Information handbook : Chaplain Corps application procedures. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36/4/974 Information handbook : Chaplain Corps application procedures. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36/5/972 A manual for naval hospital chaplains. 1
D 208.6/3:C 36/959 Chaplains' manual. 1
D 208.6/3:C 43/999 Children with special needs : a Navy parent handbook / 1
D 208.6/3:C 49/967 Servicing techniques for transistorized and printed circuits / 1
D 208.6/3:C 56/2/975/v.1-2 Manual of Navy officer manpower and personnel classifications. 1
D 208.6/3:C 56/2/978/v.1-2 Manual of Navy officer manpower and personnel classifications. 1
D 208.6/3:C 56/2/980/v.1 Manual of Navy officer manpower and personnel classifications. 1
D 208.6/3:C 56/2/984/v.2/rep Manual of Navy officer manpower and personnel classifications. 1