D 209.14/2:5.13
Civil engineering : hazardous waste storage and transfer facilities. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.2/
Civil engineering : hydrology and hydraulics. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.3/979/
Civil engineering : drainage systems. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.4
Civil engineering : pavements. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.6
Civil engineering : trackage. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.6/2
Civil engineering : trackage. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.7
Civil engineering : water supply systems. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.8
Civil engineering : pollution control systems. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:5.9/
Civil engineering : metering, instrumentation and control, and chemical feeding. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:6/4
Design manual : drawings and specifications. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:6.2
Guide specification manual. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:7.1
Soil mechanics. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:7.2
Foundations and earth structures. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:7.3
Soil dynamics, deep stabilization, and special geotechnical construction. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:8/3
Fire protection engineering. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:9/975
Design manual, cold regions engineering / |
1 |
D 209.14/2:11.1
Tropical engineering. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:12.02
High altitude electromagnetic pulse protection for ground-based facilities. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:12.1
Electronic facilities engineering. |
1 |
D 209.14/2:13.02
Commercial Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) |
1 |