Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 214.2:AF 3/2 Counterinsurgency leadership in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond /
Counterinsurgency leadership in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond
D 214.2:AF 3/3 Acknowledging limits : police advisers and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan /
Acknowledging limits police advisers and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan /
D 214.2:Ai 7 Marine Corps Air-Ground Museum, Quantico, Virginia. 1
D 214.2:AI 7/2 Forward air controller : tactical pocket checklist. 1
D 214.2:AL 1 Al-Qaida after ten years of war : a global perspective of successes, failures, and prospects /
Al-Qaida after ten years of war a global perspective of successes, failures, and prospects /
D 214.2:AR 5 Soviet/Russian armor and artillery design practices : 1945-1995. 1
D 214.2:AR 5/996 Soviet/Russian armor and artillery design practices : 1945-1995. 1
D 214.2:AR 7 Fire and ice : Marine Corps combat art from Afghanistan and Iraq : art work / 1
D 214.2:Av 5/2 The building of a marine aviator / 1
D 214.2:Av 5/3 The Marine aviator. 1
D 214.2:Av 5/4 Marine aviation : flying leathernecks. 1
D 214.2:AV 5/5 Marine aviation : campaign plan. 1
D 214.2:B 22 "The President's Own" : United States Marine Band. 1
D 214.2:B 22/2 "The President's Own" : United States Marine Band. 1
D 214.2:B 22/4 Historical perspective on the President's Own U.S. Marine Band : 200th anniversary / 1
D 214.2:B 66 Bougainville and the Northern Solomons / 1
D 214.2:C 18 The President's Own : career information / 1
D 214.2:C 27 Marine Corps casualty assistance call package : NOK information. 1
D 214.2:C 28/ Marine Corps University, Command and Staff College catalog.
Marine Corps Command & Staff College college catalog.
D 214.2:C 33 "The 4th Marine Division landing on Iwo Jima", February 19, 1945 : ceremony commemorating the marines and sailors who served in the 4th Marine Division at the "Battle of Iwo Jima" and change of command, 4th Marine Division, August 19th, 2000. 1