Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 214.511:M 33 The Legacy of Belleau Wood : 100 years of making Marines and winning battles, an anthology / 2
D 214.511:ST 8 The legacy of American naval power : reinvigorating maritime strategic thought : an anthology / 2
D 214.512:1 Saddam Hussein's nuclear vision : an atomic shield and sword for conquest / 1
D 214.512:2 Al-Qaida, the tribes, and the government : lessons and prospects for Iraq's unstable triangle / 2
D 214.512/2:1 The strategic culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran : operational and policy implications / 1
D 214.512/2:2 Libya's nuclear disarmament : lessons and implications for nuclear proliferation / 1
D 214.512/2:3 Orienting our sights on the future : opportunities and challenges of the Arab revolts / 1
D 214.512/2:4 To join or not to join the nuclear club : how nations think about nuclear weapons : two Middle East case studies / 1
D 214.512/2:4/2013-2 To join or not to join the nuclear club : how nations think about nuclear weapons: lessons from and for the Middle East / 1
D 214.512/2:5 Finding a measured response to Iran's activities / 1
D 214.512/2:6 Saudi Arabia's Strategic Rocket Force : the silent service / 1
D 214.512/2:7 The strategic culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran : religion, expediency, and soft power in an era of disruptive change / 1
D 214.512/2:8 The jihadist maritime strategy : waging a guerrilla war at sea / 1
D 214.512/3:1/1 Iran at a crossroad / 1
D 214.512/3:1/4 Just another election? / 1
D 214.512/3:8/2 Iran and Russia reenter the Afghan Conflict / 1
D 214.512/3:8/3 Houthi expansionism, internal war, geopolitics, and the Yemen quagmire* / 1
D 214.512/3:8/4 From wolf pack to lone wolf : the retreating Islamic State's radicalized strategy to exist beyond territoriality / 1
D 214.512/3:8/5 Back to the future : Trump's emerging Iran "strategy" / 1
D 214.512/3:8/6 The trajectory of the Iranian military / 1