Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 301.36/2:54-36 A study of the relative effects of six-week and twelve-week experimental basic training programs on a sample of limited-aptitude airmen / 1
D 301.36/2:54-37 A study of the relative effects of six-week and twelve-week experimental basic training programs on a sample of limited-aptitude airmen. 1
D 301.36/2:54-38 Evaluation of a contact flight simulator when used in an Air Force primary pilot training program. 1
D 301.36/2:54-64 The relation between seat location and performance on two radio code tests using loudspeaker administration / 1
D 301.36/2:54-65 Comparative validation of two radio code tests when used with the Airman Classification Battery in selecting radio operator trainees / 1
D 301.36/2:54-66 The prediction of radio operator success by means of aural tests / 1
D 301.36/2:54-83 A comparison of job requirements for line maintenance of two sets of electronics equipment / 1
D 301.36/2:54-98 The behavior of individuals and personnel systems in the surveillance functions of an air defense direction center. 1
D 301.36/2:54-99 The behavior of individuals and personnel systems in the surveillance functions of an air defense direction center. 1
D 301.36/2:54-109 Performance of student pilots flying the T-6 aircraft in primary pilot training / 1
D 301.36/2:54-110 Evaluation of a contact flight simulator when used in an Air Force primary pilot training program. 1
D 301.36/2:54-124 Tables for predicting success from stanines / 1
D 301.36/2:54-125 The light plane as a pre-primary selection and training device. 1
D 301.36/2:54-131 Evaluations of psychomotor tests for pilot selection : the direction control and compensatory balance tests / 1
D 301.36/2:55-1 Preliminary analysis of the Thurstone Color-Form Dominance Test / 1
D 301.36/2:56-1 A study of the developmental history of selected complex electronic systems / 1
D 301.36/2:56-8 Symposium on Air Force Human Engineering, Personnel, and Training Research / 1
D 301.36/2:57-1 Development of Airman Classification Battery AC-2A / 1
D 301.36/2:57-2 Attitudes, educational programs, and job experiences of airmen who did not reenlist / 1
D 301.36/2:57-3 Radar observer training devices / 1