Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 301.45/39:521 Application of principal components analysis to the study of silicate crystal structures / 1
D 301.45/39:522 AFCRL infrared sky survey : Volume I. Catalog of observations at 4, 11, and 20 microns / 1
D 301.45/39:523 An electron-optical investigation of soil clay minerals and soil stabilizing agent reactions / 1
D 301.45/39:524 Tables of asymptotic directions and vertical cutoff rigidities for a five degree by fifteen degree world grid as calculated using the International Geomagnetic Reference Field for Epoch 1965.0 / 1
D 301.45/39:525 The use of a balance equation model in the numerical weather prediction / 1
D 301.45/39:526 Crystal structure of ideal, ordered one-layer micas / 1
D 301.45/39:527 Vector evaluation of triangulation camera parameters from star photographs / 1
D 301.45/39:528 Lateral translation of explosion crater ejecta : a working model based upon pellet experiments / 1
D 301.45/39:531 The calculation of riometer absorption and an approximate connection between riometer absorption and solar proton fluxes during nighttime PCA events / 1
D 301.45/39:532 Comparison study of models used to prescribe hydrometeor water content values : part 1, preliminary results / 1
D 301.45/39:533 Crystal structures of ideal, ordered two-layer micas / 1
D 301.45/39:534 Pc1 and Pc5 micropulsation polarization patterns / 1
D 301.45/39:535 Stratospheric turbulence and vertical effective diffusion coefficients / 1
D 301.45/39:536 Tropical atmospheres, 0 to 90 km / 1
D 301.45/39:537 Specification of the thickness of the topside of the ionosphere / 1
D 301.45/39:538 Experimental evidence of a strong TE-polarized wave from an airborne LF transmitter / 1
D 301.45/39:539 Instrumentation analysis and data processing for rocketborne LWIR spectrometers : <With application to rocket A18.006-2 of 22 March 1973> / 1
D 301.45/39:540 Motions in the solar atmosphere / 1
D 301.45/39:541 Balloon measurements of TE- and TM-polarization in LF waves from an airborne transmitter / 1
D 301.45/39:542 Low frequency wave-reflection properties of the equatorial ionosphere / 1